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till it be [. . .] to sope or be of a [body] the thickness of grease or an electuarie. This is the true corrector of opium and all vegetive poysons and the greatest treasure in the world. Take of this corrector two pound, of opium one pound, of white hellebor in pouder one pound, English liquorish one pound. Lett all be sifficiently incorporated at severall times by a strong arm in an iron morter. Be sure the corrector have thorough ingres and have a care to chuse opium wrapped in the leaf, ells it may be sofisticated, and then you will lose your operation

47. For to make a man vomit presantly that is sick at His stomack Take white copperes ʒ i in powder in a litle beere or water and it will cause one to vomit presently. 48. For the Plurisie Take the leaves of wild mallows and boyl them in oyle and being taken out, bray them in a morter, and put them into a peece of lining cloth, and applie it to the grefe, and presantly it will cause the paine to cease. Don Alexis

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Apothecary weights

Apothecary Symbols

*see abbreviations below table

Symbol Name TR (*) ME (*)
lb, li, libr. libra, pound apothecary's pound 373.243 g
ss semis half half
uncia, ounce, unce apothecary's ounce 31.103 g
Q quarta quart between 0.95 and 1.16 liters
ʒ dragma, dram dram 3.888 g
G grana, grain grain 0.065 g (65 mg)
A ana of each one of each one
lb ss libr. semi half an apothecary's pound 186.623 g
℥ ss semuncia half an apothecary's ounce 15.552 g

Name = Name in Text

TR = Translation

ME = Modern Equivalent (approx.; in grams and liters)

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