JEFA founded on June 1, 2002
Governed by a Board of Trustees made up of members who are typically Life Members and direct descendants of John Endecott.
Our members represent 34 states including, Canada, England, and Australia
Sourced family tree
is currently underway
"Our Endicott Heritage Trail" newsletter is published semi-annually since May 2005. Received a National Award from the National Genealogical Society on May 9, 2012, in Cincinnati, Ohio. We also received Honorable Mention 2020.
Endicott research forum where Endicott Cousins share research and collaborate.
The Endicott forum will be merged into our new website
(coming soon!)
Endecott Burial Ground
in Danvers, Massachusetts
Restoration of the
portrait of John Endecott
The portrait is on permanent display in the State House.