Cemetery Records

This database includes census records found for Endecotts (and variations of) in the England & Wales Census.

If you have any records you'd like to submit please contact Michelle Hartley at endecottjefa@gmail.com.

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First name  Last name  Maiden Name Age Birth Death Cemetery name  Cemetery location 
Susan Smith Endicott 1855 1930 Poseyville Cemetery Poseyville, Indiana
Joseph Endicott 1784 1867 Poseyville Cemetery Poseyville, Indiana
Joseph Endicott 1761 1827 Poseyville Cemetery Poseyville, Indiana
George Oswald Endacott 1914 1988 Protestant Cleveland, Queensland, Australia
John Endacott Public Glenlyon, Victoria, Australia
Jane Endacott Public Glenlyon, Victoria, Australia
JOan Endacott Public Glenlyon, Victoria, Australia
Barbara Jane Endacott Public Cemetery Glenlyon, Victoria, Austria
Judith Endacott Public Cemetery
Norman David Endacott 94 16 Nov 1921 24 Sep 2015 Public Cemetery
David Endacott Public Cemetery
Susan W Indicott Rice 4 Jan 1821 25 Dec 1845 Springfield Cemetery Springfield Hampden County, Massachusetts
Henry S. Endacott 1866 2 Apr 1869 Ss Martin and Mary Churchyard Chudleigh, Teignbridge District, Devon, England
John Endacott 1840 1924 St. Andrew Ashburton, Devon, England
Mary Endacott 1840 1933 St. Andrew Ashburton, Devon, England
Hannah Phillippa Endacott Weir Endacott 65 1877 1942 St. Andrew Fort William, Invernesshire, Scotland
Ann Endacott St. Andrew's Churchyard Moretonhampstead, Teignbridge District, Devon, England
Elizabeth Endacott 26 Oct 1855 St. Andrew's Churchyard Moretonhampstead, Teignbridge District, Devon, England
Emma Endacott 4 Mar 1855 St. Andrew's Churchyard Moretonhampstead, Teignbridge District, Devon, England
Grace Endacott St. Andrew's Churchyard Moretonhampstead, Teignbridge District, Devon, England
Henry Endacott St. Andrew's Churchyard Moretonhampstead, Teignbridge District, Devon, England
Joseph Endacott 10 Apr 1939 24 St. Andrew's Churchyard Moretonhampstead, Teignbridge District, Devon, England
Mary Endacott 1828 6 Oct 1889 St. Andrew's Churchyard Moretonhampstead, Teignbridge District, Devon, England
Thomas George Endacott 1899 28 Aug 1903 St. Andrew's Churchyard Moretonhampstead, Teignbridge District, Devon, England
William Endacott 7 Apr 1919 St. Andrew's Churchyard Moretonhampstead, Teignbridge District, Devon, England
Elsie M Endicott 1947 St. Bannock 2 Braunton, Devon, England
Donald Endacott 1925 1993 St. John Bridgetown, Devon, England
Pauline Endacott 1930 1994 St. John Bridgetown, Devon, England
Rob Endacott 1939 1997 St. Mary Buckfast Abbey Buckfast, Devon, England
Arthur L. Indicott 1860 1910 Woodlawn Cemetery Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Sarah M Indicott Lyman 1829 1885 Woodlawn Cemetery Norwalk Huron County, Ohio
James Indicott 24 May 1874 Woodlawn Cemetery Norwalk Huron County, Ohio
Clara Mae Indicott Rosier 1878 1878 1917 Woodlawn Cemetery Norwalk Huron County, Ohio
Eleanor Indicott Tillinghast 19 Mar 1859 Woodlawn Cemetery Norwalk Huron County, Ohio
A. B. Endicott
John Endacott
Edward James Humpphries Endacott 66 1877 1843
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